
Nu har jag äntligen fått bekräftat från UTS vilka kurser jag ska läsa! :-) Jag sökte ju en hel hög med kurser, sedan har det tagit några veckor för dem att bestämma vilka jag får. Några av dem som jag sökte blir inte av och några av dem saknade jag vissa förkunskaper för. Men dessa fyra kommer jag att läsa under den första terminen i alla fall:
Organisational Learning and Change: Local and Global
"In this subject students study three arenas where there are intense efforts to lead andfacilitate change. The first arena is organisational management with a focus on improvingorganisational learning, performance and productivity. The second arena focuses on workersand community groups that are concerned also about quality of life, work conditions andcorporate social responsibility. The third arena is that of large organisations seeking to leadand facilitate change for environmental sustainability. The subject is designed to provide acounter-point to the widespread interest only in changing organisational effectivenessthrough the development of people (or 'human capital')."
Managing People and Organisations
"This subject introduces students to the fundamentals of management and organisationalbehaviour in the context of today's contemporary global business environment. It examinesthe major theories and models in areas of communication, group dynamics, individualbehaviour and motivation, decision-making, leadership, power and politics, and ethics andsocial responsibility. It places particular emphasis on the application of theory to dilemmasand issues likely to confront managers today and in the future."
Marketing Foundations
"This subject covers the basic principles of marketing. It develops an understanding of theoverall process of marketing planning, implementation and control in the contemporarybusiness environment and also develops a basic understanding of marketing informationsystems; market research and marketing ethics; market segmentation; buyer behaviour;product development; and the development of product, distribution, promotion and pricingstrategies for both goods and services domestically and internationally."
Academic English
"This subject is designed to consolidate students' written and oral academic skills andliteracies. These skills are developed through a range of studies that relate to Australia'snatural environment, and may include: the meanings attached to land, landscape, beachand bush; to concepts of native, introduced, companion and feral species; to patterns ofpopulation, consumption and waste; and to the ways in which Australians participate ingreen cultures and organisations."
Jag tycker att alla låter jättespännande och kul! Åh, vad jag längtar!